Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas 2010

Family Christmas Card.

Searching for the perfect tree.

We found it!


The final touch!


Westhampton Day School Christmas Program.

Enjoying a post-program cookie.

Busch Gardens Christmas Town!

MB loved the swings...

And the carousel with Dad.

On the train!

Hanging the stockings with PA.

The whole crew!

Writing a note to Santa.

The cutest elf ever.

Reading Madeline, great gift from Aunt and Uncle.

Unwrapping presents! Santa was really good to MB.

Getting some help from Wils and Lauren.

Too much activity for Willy.

Reading a book with Pop.

Family puzzle.

MB putting on the finishing touches.

Deep conversation with Lauren.

Reading with Nanny.

Singing Christmas carols before bed.

Fun Christmas dinner!

The whole crew!


MB had so much fun.

Getting a ride from Daddy.

Coloring with friend Piper.

After lunch in Wayne.

Even Willy enjoyed the snow after getting lots of energy from all of the cat food he stole from Gurt!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Apple picking!

Saturday was a beautiful day. We went to Carter Mountain for apple picking.

There was more apple eating than apple picking.

More eating...

This one's good!

She finally shared one with Dad.

The bag of apples got pretty heavy.

Pretty pink ladies.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Happy Halloween! It was very important that we have a happy jack-o-lantern!

Getting ready for the big event with a "pumpkin sprinkle" stuck to her forehead.

Trunk or Treat at Westhampton Day School...we ended up with a last minute princess costume because the planned giraffe did not fit!

MB had a ball anyway.

On Saturday we ran in the Wicked 10k, so much fun.

Dorothy! (or Dorfy!)

With Toto...

At Susan and Sam's on Hanover Ave.

Helping Sam hand out candy.

With Bohdan and Sean.

Trick-Or-Treating with Dad.

Getting a lift from Dad at the end of a long night.