Sunday, March 8, 2009

Birthday Bash!

We celebrated Mary Beth's birthday on Saturday complete with a little petting zoo and lots of family and friends. The birthday girl had a ball!

She especially loved the goat...but thought it was a sheep. She kept saying "baa baa."

Anna REALLY loved the white bunny. We thought she might take it home!

Conner was very brave and held the baby goat.

MB also loved the fuzzy chicken.

Then it was time for cake! Nanny brought a crown for Mary Beth to wear...she wasn't too excited about keeping it on her head.

We made cupcakes with bunnies (peeps) in honor of the petting zoo.

MB once again loved her cupcake!

Such a fun birthday!

The wine club babies, Sean, Bohdan, MB and Grayson.

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