Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wilson and Lauren's Wedding

Wilson and Lauren got married this weekend in New York. We had a ball.

We stayed at a great hotel in Tarrytown. All of the "l"s were missing from the "Pool" signs. We thought this was hysterical of course.
Very mature.

Cheers! We went to Captain Lawrence Brewery in Pleasantville. It was so fun, really great beer.

Before the wedding.

Aunt Jane and Uncle Joe walking down the aisle.

The bride and her dad.

The newlyweds!

Mom and me at the reception.

Great view!

Bride and groom.


First dance.

Gaggie and Dandy's wedding invitation. 67 years from the day Wilson and Lauren were married.
The cake topper that was on Gaggie and Dandy's wedding cake and also on our wedding cake.

Cutting the cake.

Wilson and Aunt Jane.

Joined by Uncle and Lauren.

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