Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July Weekend

We kicked off the weekend in Williamsburg. MB loved swimming with her cousins.

Getting a squeeze from Thomas.

Conner took this one at the dinner table.

MB did not want to take a picture, she just wanted to keep playing!

All dressed up for Sean's first birthday/4th of July party at the McDermott's.
Family pic.

Loving the 4th of July decorations...notice we aren't wearing any clothes.

Playing the water station with the birthday boy. This was the reason for no clothes - she was soaked!

Cake time!

MB spies something sweet out of the corner of her eye...

Maybe he'll give me a bite...

Just one, please?

Maybe I'll just help myself...


More please!

We were trying to get MB to bed. She was climbing on top of Sean's activity table.


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