Sunday, December 13, 2009

More Christmas Fun!

We had another busy weekend of holiday are a few pics.

Mary Beth got a haircut!

We celebrated friend Bohdan's 2nd birthday.

MB and Bohdan wishing the rain would go away!
Mmm, cake. The best part of any party.

We tried to get all of the kids to sit for a picture. Guess who didn't want to sit still?

Mary Beth is crying in this picture because she didn't want to sit down.

We went to see the parade of boats on the James River (they were much cooler in person!)

Mary Beth loved all of the boats covered in lights!

We also went to Frosty's birthday party this weekend. Kristen (Will's mom) was dressed up as Rudolph!

We had breakfast with Santa. Mary Beth asked him to color with her.

Sean hanging with Santa!

Playgroup Christmas party! From left to right, Willa, Anna Jane, Will and MB

MB hanging with her girlfriends.

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