Sunday, October 23, 2011


We have had a busy month so far!

This weekend we took advantage of the beautiful weather and went apple picking at Carter Mountain with our friends.
Mary Beth was a good picker...

And an even better eater!

MB and Sean deep in the trees.

We shared a picnic lunch. Mary Beth is loving on her friends, Ellie and Elisabeth.

Sharing a squeeze with the twins.

Trying to take a pic of all the kids.

Like herding cats...

October also brought the Richmond Folk Festival. We spent the weekend getting our groove on. MB got warmed up on Friday night.

And then really danced up a storm on Saturday.

Phew, all that dancing is exhausting!

We also hit the kids area and did some is Super Girl in her handmade mask.

Catching up with a friend at the petting zoo.

There were some amazing sites at the Festival!

Mom also worked hard at the Festival, helping to organize a community art project.

Early in the month we went to Virginia Beach with our friends the Morris family. We hit a great zoo. Mary Beth and Gary had so much fun.

Checking out the black bear.

Making tracks through the zoo.

Sharing some ice cream after a busy morning.

Time for a bath...

And bed.

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